Booking with us is simple and easy. Just fill in the booking form below and we will email your itinerary and payment details. The latest you can book is 24 hours before the first day of each holiday scheme. Please don’t forget you have to submit the payment for the Holiday Scheme in advance. This can be done when you visit the setting.

Please complete this booking form


    *Indicates a required field

    Child’s Details

    Date they will attend

    Summer Holiday Scheme 2025

    27th - 30th May

    27th May

    28th May

    29th May

    30th May

    11th - 31st July

    11th July

    14th July

    15th July

    16th July

    17nd July

    18th July

    21st July

    22nd July

    23th July

    24th July

    25th July

    28th July

    29th July

    30th July

    31st July

    Total cost to pay: