
Lexham Garden Playhouse - EthosWe understand that going to nursery is a huge step in a child’s life and we know that this new phase affects the whole family. This is the first social environment where children are left without their parents and it can have a huge impact on them. That is why our main aim is to help both children and their families settle in and feel at home.

We also feel it is important for parents and professionals to be working in partnership with each other and years of experience have definitely shown great benefits when such a partnership is consistent. That is why we feel it is so important for us to share how your child’s day has been with you on a daily basis. We do this verbally each day as well as through a digital learning journey called ‘EYlog’

Although staff are friendly, they are also trained to help children manage their feelings and behaviour and follow structure, routine and boundaries. When children try to cross these boundaries, we guide them in a gentle yet firm manner. Children soon get accustomed to the nursery rules and routine and even though they are so young they are very well behaved!